Thursday, April 30, 2009

Today in Clarksburg Ohio World War II: Minnix arrives Clarksburg from Fort Bliss

Slow day in Clarksburg Ohio WWII history:

April 30, 1943: Clifford Minnix arrives Clarksburg from Fort Bliss, Texas on furlough to visit his parents.

April 30, 1944: Earl Martin (pictured middle) spends his birthday aboard his LST. Richard Shanton's ship arrives the Pacific Theater.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Today in Clarksburg Ohio World War II history: Lt. Jack Morris flies mission on Berlin in 1944 and Liberated from Stalag Luft 7A in 1945!

April 29, 1943: Charlie Jobe and portions of the 82nd Airborne, sail from New York harbor for Casablanca. Herschel Bethel departs the U.S. for the European Theater.

April 29, 1944: Jack Morris (pictured) flies his 20th bombing mission to Berlin's Marshalling yards. Viciously attacked by German figthters and the co-pilot is severely wounded. Morris' B-24 limps back to base, but makes it.

April 29, 1945: Dwight Overly departs Fort McCllelan, Alabama for reassignment at Fort Meade, Maryland. Earl Reisinger departs Clarksburg following a 36-day furlough and returns to San Diego for reassignment. Jack Morris is liberated from Stalag Luft 7A in Moosburg, Germany. The POW's were liberated by the U.S. 3rd Army, including a personal appearance by General George Patton. Jack and the remainder of the POW's remained in Moosburg until May 8, 1945.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Today in Ohio Military History: Spotlight on Clarksburg Ohio WWII Veterans

April 25, 1942: Wendell Bryant enlists in the U.S. Army at Fort Hayes, Ohio. Later serves with the 479th Amphibious Truck Company and landed infantry troops at Anzio and Normandy.

April 25, 1943: James Elliott arrives Clarksburg from Camp Atterbury, IN to visit parents over the weekend.

April 25, 1944: Wendell Carroll is enjoying a furlough in Clarksburg, Ohio with his parents and wife before returning to Salt Lake City for additional preparations to be shipped west. Carroll later serves in Europe with the 80th Infantry Division, 319th Infantry Regiment as a Medical NCO.

Friday, April 24, 2009

April 24 in Clarksburg Ohio World War II History:

Ohio Military History -- Spotlight on Clarksburg Ohio World War II Veterans and their activity on April 24, 1944 and 1945:

April 24, 1944: Harold Hoffman and the 40th Infantry Division depart Guadalcanal for the battle of New Britain. Jack Morris flies his 18th bombing mission on the Leysham, Germany airfield (Leipheim). Richard Stevens departs the U.S. for the European Theater as part of the 20th Corps of Field Artillery in the Observation Section.

April 24, 1945: Harry Jordan departs the United States for the European Theater. Lee Dunkle writes Mr. Timmons from aboard LST 863 to describe his recent experience walking along an island invasion beach littered with Japanese bodies. Solon Graham departs Chatham Field, Georgia and waits on a rail siding for a bomber assignment in Europe, which is ultimately canceled and he is assigned, instead to fly in the Pacific.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Today in Clarksburg Ohio World War II history:

April 23, 1943: Don Bethel departs the U.S. bound for the China India Burma Theater. Foreman Skinner arrives Clarksburg from training in Orlando, FL to enjoy a 15-day furlough with his mother. Harry Holloway departs the United States as part of the 82nd Airborne Division, 325th Glider Infantry Regiment, sailing for North Africa.

April 23, 1944: Willis Cleary, along with his infantry regiment (23rd Infantry Regiment of the 2nd Infantry Division) departs Belfast and arrives Swansea, Wales.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Ohio Military History: Spotlight on Clarksburg Ohio WWII servicemen

Today in Clarksburg Ohio World War II history:

April 22, 1942: Charles Mallow, Foreman Skinner, Harmon Jobe, and Harry Junk enlist in the U.S. Army.

April 22, 1944: Robert Hamman (pictured) graduates armored OCS at Ft. Knox, Kentucky as part of the 61st Graduation Class and is commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant and eventually assigned to serve with the 9th Armored Division. Jack Morris flies his 17th bombing mission with the 392nd Bomb Group on a marshalling yard located in Hamm, Germany. John Peck departs Clarksburg for Hunter Field, Savannah, Georgia following a ten-day furlough in Clarksburg, Ohio with his family.

April 22, 1945: Willis Cleary and the 23rd Infantry Regiment depart Merseberg, Germany and arrive Frohburg, Germany. The 23rd Infantry is billeted in a former Nazi Youth Camp.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

GI Film Festival: May 13-17, 2009 - Washington DC

The GI Film Festival is approaching May 13-17, 2009 in Washington DC. I wish I could attend. Some fascinating movies are included in this year's collection. A couple especially caught my eye about World War II and made me think of Clarksburg Ohio WWII veterans who experienced similar situations.

The first is Everyman's War about one man's heroic effort during the Battle of the Bulge. A number of Clarksburg men were caught in bad situations during the Battle of the Bulge, from the Northern Shoulder near Elsenborn, down as far south as Bastogne.

Another interesting documentary is this one: The Inheritance of War, about the Baatan Death March survivors' efforts to sue leading Japanese manufacturers who tortured them and forced them into slave labor during the war. Some of my grandfather's friends from his early days at Ft. Sam Houston were captured by the Japanese and forced into these conditions and it reminds me of the letter he sent home expressing concern for his friends and how the division vowed to get even. They got even alright... but in Europe instead.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Ohio Military History: Spotlight on Clarksburg Ohio WWII Veterans: April 20, 1942-1945

Today in Clarksburg Ohio World War II history:

April 20, 1942: Roger Bryant enlists in the U.S. Army at Fort Hayes, Ohio.

April 20, 1943: Ralph Anderson, recently relocated to Laredo, Texas is training with his newly assigned B-17 crew. Ralph Hawkins is based at Efate Island aboard the USS Stack destroyer. He participates in several patrols off the coast of Guadalcanal.

April 20, 1944: Jack Morris flies his 16th bombing mission on German infantry targets just inside the coast of France. Ralph Ater, aboard the USS Ranger, departs Staten Island, NY carrying a load of 76 P-38 Fighters, steaming toward Casablanca (USS Ranger pictured in this blog with the P-38's on deck).

April 20, 1945: Bernard Ater graduates from the Factory Training School in Peterson, New Jersey after completing 203 hours of instruction on Wright Aircraft Engines.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Today in Clarksburg Ohio WWII history: Trapp awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross with the 351st Bomb Group

Spotlight on Clarksburg Ohio servicemen during WWII: April 19, 1944 - 1945

April 19, 1944: Herman Dinkler arrives Clarksburg, Ohio on a furlough to visit his wife and family. Jack Morris flies his 15th bombing mission on the Gutersloth airfield with the 392nd Bomb Group. Willis Cleary's 2nd Infantry Division completes additional training and departs Tynan, Ireland (County Armagh) bound for South Wales, Great Britain in preparation for the invasion of France.

April 19, 1945: Following his 25th mission, Norman Trapp is awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for exemplary flying and leadership with the 351st Bomb Group, 508th Bomb Squadron.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Today in Clarksburg Ohio WWII history: Morris flies his 14th bombing mission with the 392nd bomb group.

Today in Clarksburg Ohio World War II History:

April 18, 1944: Jack Morris flies his 14th bombing mission with the 392nd Bomb Group on an airfield near Brandenberg, Germany, close to Berlin. Pictured is Morris' crew (photo taken by Morris) before taking off for one of their raids, with their B-24 in the background.

April 18, 1945: Almer Sowers arrives the Pacific Theater. Roy Pearce sends a letter to his mother stating that he has healed from his shoulder wound and is heading back to the front with the 1st Inf. Division. Russ Furniss arrives the Pacific Theater. Willis Cleary and the 23rd Infantry Regiment of the 2nd Infantry Division, depart Goettingen, Germany and arrive Merseberg, Germany the same day. Billeted in a German Army barracks.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Today in Ohio Military History: Spotlight on Clarksburg Ohio WWII veterans: Trapp flies his 25th B-17 mission

Today in Clarksburg Ohio World War II History, April 17:

April 17, 1942: William Merz departs Melbourne, Australia for repositioning in a "censored" location of the South Pacific.

April 17, 1945: Dale Boyer begins fighting against the Japanese at Okinawa serving with an anti-aircraft artillery group. Jack Ater is in the vicinity of Solingen, Germany when one of the 97th Division's other regiments captures the city. Norman Trapp flies his 25th and final bombing mission on targets over Dresden, Germany in 351st Bomb Group B-17 44-8468.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Today in Clarksburg Ohio World War II History: Rittenhouse's 777th Tank Battalion Sherman Tank knocked out by German Panzerfaust

Today in Ohio Military History: Spotlight on Clarksburg Ohio World War II veterans.

April 16, 1943: Bernard Ater returns to Minter Field, CA following a furlough in Clarksburg, Ohio. Carl Dinkler is participating in desert training at Camp Laguna, Arizona. Joe Ater returns to Minter Field, CA following furlough in Clarksburg.

April 16, 1945: Fred Rittenhouse (pictured) is wounded-in-action --- burned when his Sherman tank is knocked out by a shoulder-fired German Panzerfaust rocket/bazooka 1 mile south of Gruna, Germany. Rittenhouse attached to the 777th Tank Battalion, Co A. Jack Ater crosses the Wupper River in Germany and assists in the surrender of Dusseldorf, Germany.

April 16, 1946: Leo Rose's ship docks in the United States.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Today in Clarksburg Ohio World War II History: Garrison confined in neutral Adelboden Switzerland following crash landing

Today in Ohio Military World War II history. A spotlight on Clarksburg Ohio veterans on April 15, 1942-1945:

April 15, 1942: Elwood Dean enlists in the U.S. Army and eventually serves with the famed 82nd Airborne Division, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, F Company,

April 15, 1943: Albert Willis is serving in the base fire department in Vancouver, Washington. Bob Anderson is serving in French North Africa with an on-the-move 37th Fighter Squadron, 14th Fighter Group, servicing P-38 Lightnings. Daryl Williams enrolled in an advanced flying class at Kurtztown Teacher's College in Pennsylvania directly following graduation from Basic Flight Training. Glenn McPherson is based in North Africa. Marvin Carroll is part of the 14th Armored Infantry when it is awarded the Distinguished Unit Citation. Sylvester Bookwalter arrives Clarksburg from training at Drew Field, Tampa for a ten-day furlough with his parents. Tom Eycke enlists in the U.S. Army.

April 15, 1944: Lewis Garrison sends his first correspondence to his family alerting them of his internship in Adelboden, Switzerland (pictured), and that he and his crew are all OK, following a controlled crashlanding in their B-24 (466th Bomb Group) in the neutral country. Solon Graham completes flight training in a PT-19 at Cuero, TX and arrives Waco for additional flight training in the BT-13 Vultee "Vibrator.”

April 15, 1945: Roger Bryant arrives the United States. Tom Sowers, part of the 80th Infantry Division, 318th Infantry Regiment, A Company, writes to his parents informing them he was shot in the shoulder by a German sniper near Erfurt, Germany and flown to a Paris hospital where he is currently located.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Today in Clarksburg Ohio WWII history: Haynes experiences Kamikaze attack aboard the USS New York, Trapp flies 24th mission in B-17 The Pink Lady

Today in Clarksburg Ohio World War II History:

April 14, 1943: William Bochard's ship departs the U.S. bound for the Pacific theater.

April 14, 1944: From "Somewhere in New Guinea," Harold Garrison with the Red Arrow 32nd Infantry Division writes home to describe the natives, the heat, and native fruit. Kenneth Ater returns to Fort Benjamin Harrison, following a furlough in Clarksburg, Ohio with his family.

April 14, 1945: Fred Rittenhouse's 777th Tank Battalion, A Company knocks out four German anti-tank guns in Lippendorf, Germany. Norman Trapp flies his 24th bombing mission of World War II on Royan, France in B-17 44-8846 nicknamed "The Pink Lady" which today has been restored and is hangered in Paris, France. A modern day photo of the Pink Lady is above. Robert Haynes experiences a Kamikaze attack while aboard the USS New York as a Japanese Kamikaze aircraft grazes the ship and destroys the ship's spotting plane, knocking it from its catapult.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Clarksburg Ohio World War II history: Now and Then. The Capture of the Remagen Bridge and the U.S. Army Crossing of the Rhine River


A number of Clarksburg men from various U.S. Army units converged on the Rhine River Valley in late March of 1945 in preparation for crossing the last standing bridge spanning the Rhine River. Constant German aerial attacks and artillery barrages slowed the American advance, but eventually, the 9th Armored Division was successful at taking the bridge. As more and more troops bottlenecked in the area and commandeered German houses in the picturesque villages near Remagen that make up one the finest white wine regions in the world, a number of Clarksburg Ohio men waited to cross the river.

Lt. Robert Hamman was among this group, part of the 9th Armored Division's 73rd Armored Field Artillery - commanding a battery of 105MM M4 Priests. Willis Cleary, part of the 2nd Infantry Division's 23rd Infantry Regiment, K Company, was also waiting out his chance to cross the river in the resort town of Ahrweiler, 2 miles from the banks of the Rhine. Fred Rittenhouse, aboard a Sherman Tank attached to the 777th Tank Battalion was also waiting his turn. All three of these Ross County men, including others crossed the Rhine at Sinzig, Germany between March 23, 1945 and March 27, 1945.

Pictured are Nick and Vic Cleary, the son and grandson of Sgt. Willis Cleary, standing on the western bank of the Rhine next to the remaining structure of the Remagen Bridge, which today houses a nice museum memoralizing the battle for the bridge, as well as the men (from both sides of the battle) who fought and died in Remagen.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Part II of Jean Pierre's Research and Findings regarding the crash of Lt. Thomas Pearce's (Clarksburg Ohio) B-24 Liberator crash during World War II

LT. THOMAS PEARCE: Clarksburg, Ohio WWII
As I discussed yesterday, Jean Pierre of Chartres, France shared many items of interest with me regarding the May 11, 1944 crash of Captain Edward Brodsky's B-24, including Bombardier, Lt. Thomas Pearce from Clarksburg, Ohio onboard. I thought I would provide a few more pictures of interest, including a before and after photo of the B-24, colorfully named "Blow Job," and photos of Pearce (KIA), the pilot Brodsky (MIA-POW), and Weiss, the Navigator (KIA).

Pilot: Captain Edward Brodsky

Navigator: Lt. Lester Weiss

Saturday, April 11, 2009

My Good Friend Jean Pierre, from Chartres, France: Honoring Lt. Thomas Pearce of Clarksburg Ohio

Chartres' Jean Pierre laying flowers at the base of Lt. Thomas Pearce's cross at St. Laurent cemetery in Normandy, France: April 10, 2009.
On May 11, 1944, my cousin, Clarksburg Ohio resident, Lt. Thomas Pearce (487th Bomb Group, 838th Bomb Squadron), was killed-in-action when his B-24 bomber was hit by German Anti-Aircraft Artillery over Chateaudun, France. Following an emergency crash landing in a French farm field not far from Chateaudun, the aircraft caught fire and exploded with a significant amount of fuel remaining in the aircraft's tanks, and a full bomb load in the bomb bay. Before the explosion, Pilot - Captain Ed Brodsky, and Co-pilot - Captain Jack Roberts managed to squeeze through a hole in the windshield and escape, but were quickly captured by German troops and sent to the Stalag Luft III POW Camp. Lt. Lee Johnson, an additional Navigator on the mission, parachuted to safety before the aircraft crash landed and was also captured. The remainder of the crew including Clarksburg's Lt. Pearce, Lester Weiss (Navigator), Walter Simoni (Engineer), Cliff Nance (Radio Operator), William J. Murphy (Gunner), Elton Tollett (Gunner), and Bronis Lipskas (gunner), were trapped inside and killed when the aircraft exploded a few minutes following the crash landing.

Today, I received a surprise email from a dear friend, Mr. Jean Pierre, from Chartres, France, who visited Lt. Thomas Pearce's grave (At the U.S. Military Cemetery in St. Laurent, France - overlooking Omaha Beach in Normandy) this weekend and laid a nice bouquet of flowers at its base. Mr. Pierre has taken a keen interest in this specific crash and through the years shared information back and forth with me, including sending me two separate pieces of the wreckage -- a piece of the aircraft's glass, as well as a piece of the sheet metal. He is a smart and compassionate man who shares my love for World War II history and a deep respect for the men who fought in the war. One of his most significant research accomplishments was locating and uncovering the remains of the pre D-Day C-47 crash that killed Easy Company, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment Company Commander Lt. Thomas Meehan. Lt. Meehan's death on June 6, 1944, led to the promotion of Lt. Richard Winters -- the focal point of Stephen Ambrose's book and HBO special - Band of Brothers. I am proud to be Jean Pierre's friend and appreciate his friendship very much. Without excellent, intelligent resources like Mr. Pierre, it would be very difficult for Americans to thoroughly research and locate the crashes and battlefields of loved ones. Thanks Jean! (PICTURED: Jean Pierre in Normandy in front of Clarksburg Ohio's Lt. Thomas Pearce's grave).

Friday, April 10, 2009

Spotlight on Clarksburg Ohio WWII Veterans: Garrison flies 3rd mission with 466th Bomb Group; 777th Tank Battalion attack toward Leipzig

Today in Clarksburg Ohio World War II History; April 10, 1942-1945:

April 10, 1942: William Merz’s troopship docks in Melbourne, Australia. Serving as an artillery officer in the Americal Division, 245th Field Artillery Battalion, HQ Battery.

April 10, 1943: Ralph Anderson informs his parents that he will be moving from Amarillo, Texas very soon and that he will write to let them know where he is newly located during heavy bomber training.

April 10, 1944: Gerald Bethel, aboard the USS Bache, begins bombarding various targets and assault beaches on New Guinea and its adjacent islands. Kenneth Dean departs Africa for Italy after 17 months of service on the continent. Lewis Garrison flies his 3rd bombing mission on Bourge, France, attached to the 466th Bomb Group in a B-24 Liberator. (466th BG patch pictured)

April 10, 1945: Corrine Bochard spends her birthday at Fort Monmouth's WAC detachment, in New Jersey. Fred Rittenhouse, attached to the 777th Tank Battalion sets its objective as Leipzig, Germany, 150 miles away from their current position. The Battalion makes it to Krungen, Germany and they stay the night. Shelby Wolford enlists in the U.S. Navy.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Today in Clarksburg Ohio World War II History: Hinton joins Navy and eventually serves with VPB 25

Today in Ohio Military History: Clarksburg Ohio World War II Veterans spotlighted

April 9, 1942: John Dawson enlists in the Army Air Force at Patterson Field, Dayton, Ohio

April 9, 1943: Dwight Willis arrives Clarksburg from training in Delaware for a ten-day furlough with his parents. Hoyt Graham graduates from the University of Cincinnati with a degree in Aeronautical Engineering. Roy Hinton enlists in the U.S. Navy, eventually flying as a radio operator with VPB 25, Crew #14 in a Martin Mariner float plane (pictured).

April 9, 1944: Jack Morris flies 13th bombing mission on Tutow with the 392nd Bomb Group. John Martin's ship docks in Liverpool. Willis Prince is assigned to train in B-24's at Gowen Field, Boise, Idaho. He mentions to his sister in a letter that the bombers are worn out and in rough shape.

April 9, 1945: Don Adams flies his 13th bombing mission on tactical areas in Northern, Italy with the 485th Bomb Group. Willis Cleary and the 23rd Infantry Regiment leave Hofgeismar, Germany and arrive Goettingen, Germany the same day. A civilian surrenders a Drillings to Cleary while he was serving on MP duty.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Today in Clarksburg Ohio World War II History: Bombing missions galore!

Today in Ohio Military History: Spotlight on Clarksburg Ohio World War II veterans.
April 8, 1944: Cecil Southward arrives England. Jack Morris (392nd Bomb Group) flies his 12th bombing mission over Brunswick, Germany in a B-24 Liberator. James Williams writes Superintendent Timmons from Australia preparing to transition into battle and describes Australia as an interesting country. Lewis Garrison flies 2nd bombing mission over Brunswick, Germany with the 466th Bomb Group, 787th Bomb Squadron. Pictured is Lt. Lewis Garrison, top row, second from left, Navigator for Lt. Flynn's 787th B-24 crew.

April 8, 1945: Francis Ater arrives the Pacific Theater to serve as a Medical Tech in the 93rd Field Hospital. Fred Rittenhouse and the 777th Tank Battalion departs Lutterburg, Germany utilizing the German Autobahn "Super Highway" bound for Witzenhausen, Germany. They spend the night in Mollenfeld.. Hoyt Graham returns to Wright Field in Dayton, Ohio from Ladd Field, Alaska. Norman Trapp (351st Bomb Group) flies his 23rd bombing mission on secondary mission targets in Halberstadt, Germany in B-17 44-8664.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Spotlight on Clarksburg Ohio's World War II Sailors and their Ships!

The following is a list of Clarksburg Ohio Navy Veterans and the ships they served on during World War II:

USS Ranger (CV-4): Navy Bomb Squadron 42: AOM/1C Ralph E. Ater
USS Antietam (CV-36): F1/C Ward “Hoot” Garrison
USS Antietam (CV-26) RM2/C Dusty Stinson
USS Natoma Bay (CVE-62): MM3/C Robert Southward

USS Texas (BB-35): MM2/C John W. Pool
USS Texas (BB-35): GM2/C Earl Reisinger
USS Missouri: PO1/C Grant McDonald
USS New York (BB-34): F1/C Robert Haynes
USS New Jersey (BB-62): S1/C Walter Morris, Jr. (Deep Sea Diver)

USS Denver (CL- 58): GM3/C Robert Marcus Ater

USS Bache (DD-470): RDM2/C Gerald V. Bethel
USS Jouett (DD-396): WT3/C Loren Galen Penwell
USS John R. Craig (DD-885): S1/C Eugene W. Mace
USS Stack (DD-405): BKR2/C Ralph A. Hawkins

USS Alcor (AD-34): S1/C John W. Kirkwood
USS Prairie (AD-15): S1/C Walter Morris, Jr.
USS Hamul (AD-20): SF3/C Tom Rittenhouse

LCI #34: EM1/C Charles “Denny” Chenault
LST #221: S1/C Howard Fay
LST# 675: BM1/C Earl Martin
LST #863: S/1C Lee Dunkle

Liberty Ship (Hull 2955): Coxswain Phillip J. Sewards
USS Zenobia (AKA-52): Attack Cargo Ship: S2/C Orville W. Watkins
USS LaSalle: S1/C Shelby E. Wolford
USS APA Presidio (APA-88): Attack Transport: EM1/C Charles “Denny” Chenault

U.S.S. Barrier (AM-150) Minesweeper: Paul DeWitt

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Clarksburg Ohio WWII History: USS Stack steams away from Okinawa and Adams flies 12th mission with 485th Bomb Group

Today in Ohio Military History: Clarksburg Ohio service personnel spotlighted for April 5 1944 and 1945:

April 5, 1944: Howard Betts is based in Ireland. Joe Satchell departs Clarksburg to train for the U.S. Navy. Marlin Overly enlists in the U.S. Army.

April 5, 1945: Don Adams flies his 12th bombing mission with the 485th Bomb Group on the Turin Locomotive Depot in Turin, Italy. Jack Ater writes to his parents that he has been up along the Rhine River in Germany, as part of the 97th Infantry Division, 387th Infantry Regiment, and things are going well, but he has seen some action in the process. Ralph Hawkins, aboard the USS Stack -- The Stack is ordered away from Okinawa to steam to Saipan to join up with TU 94.18.12 to provide support for the ships in the Unit. Russ Furniss is located "somewhere in the Philippines" preparing for intense battle with the Japanese as part of the 24th Infantry Division of the 21st Infantry Regiment, HQ Company.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Clarksburg Ohio World War II history: Today, LST 675 sinks as Earl Martin is rescued

Today in Ohio Military History: A spotlight on Clarksburg Ohio WWII veterans:
April 4, 1944: MSGT Kenneth Ater attends Clarksburg High School's sports banquet after returning from over 20 months of overseas service and combat. MSGT Ater entered service in 1941 at the age of 17. Served in Africa (Tunisia), Naples, Foggia, Rome-Arno. His unit, the 2622nd Ordnance Transportation Company, did maintenance work for the 1st Infantry Division. Ater experienced heavy German bombing in Africa and Italy. By chance, Ater was aboard the same ship home as S/SGT Charles Crabb, also from Clarksburg Ohio.

April 4, 1945: BM1C Earl Martin is forced to abandoned ship as LST 675 begins to sink. Martin escapes death by climbing aboard a Torpedo Boat as his ship begins to take on water during a typhoon off the coast of Okinawa. PFC Fred Rittenhouse's A Company of Sherman tanks (777th Tank Battalion) motors from Goissons toward Kassel, Germany to relieve the 80th Infantry Division. The tanks roll into Kassel approximately 1330 hours.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ohio Military History Minute: Spotlight on Clarksburg Ohio WWII Personnel

Today in Ohio Military History: Spotlight on Clarksburg Ohio World War II veterans on April 2 1943-1945.

April 2, 1943: Bernard Ater and Joe Ater arrive Clarksburg Ohio for a 15-day furlough from training at Minter Field in Bakerfield, CA. Kenneth Dean departs the U.S. bound for the European Theater to serve as a Surgical Technician with the 103rd Station Hospital. Anderson - center, sitting atop his maintenance stand and in front of his P-38 #85, is surrounded by his ground crew, and the unidentified pilot holding the squadron's dog mascot bottom center. Far right is Armorer Sgt. Sid Beech.

April 2, 1944: Bob Anderson's 37th Fighter Squadron (14th Fighter Group) of P-38 Lightning fighters is awarded the Distinguished Unit Decoration for the squadron's excellent performance in an air battle over Steyr, Austria.

April 2, 1945: Clarence Minnix arrives the Asiatic-Pacific Theater. Don Adams flies his 11th bombing mission with the 485th Bomb Group, on the main marshalling yard in Graz, Austria. Dwight Overly is based at Fort McClellan, Alabama. Eugene Morris, recently attached to the 1st Infantry Division, arrives Germany to serve in the division's 745th Tank Battalion as a mortar man. Frank Ater moves with the 743rd Tank Battalion from France to Holland. Fred Rittenhouse's A Company, 777th Tank Battalion splits off from the battalion and motors toward Goissons. Rittenhouse and his Sherman Tank seeks cover in a wooded area near Goissons. Colonel George Bookwalter receives the final promotion of his military career to Full Colonel while serving in Pennsylvania.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Three Clarksburg Ohio World War II Navy personnel engaged in battle at Okinawa, April 1

Today in Ohio Military History: Spotlight on Clarksburg Ohio WWII veterans on April 1, 1941-1945.

April 1, 1941: Bob Dawson enlists in the U.S. Army Air Corps and eventually serves as a P-39 Cobra fighter Pilot with the 54th Fighter Group, 42nd Fighter Squadron.

April 1, 1943: Don Harmount enrolls at Fenn College and is promoted from Staff Sergeant to Technical Sargeant. Kenneth Ater receives a promotion to Sergeant while based in North Africa with the 2622nd Ordnance Transportation Company. Ralph Richardson is training at Camp Lee , Virginia with the 11th Quartermaster Group, G Company. Roger Bryant is based in India. William Bochard is serving in the Pacific Theater as a radio operator in the 6th Army's 99th Signal Battalion.

April 1, 1944: Willis Cleary and the entire 23rd Infantry Regiment and 38th Infantry Regiment's of the 2nd Infantry Division are present in Armagh, Ireland (Cleary pictured right in the doorway of his quonset hut in Armagh) when General George Patton gives a fiery speech to the regiments in preparation for the Normandy Invasion.

April 1, 1945 (Easter Sunday): Albert Willis writes home to let his parents know he has been in a Red Cross hospital in New Guinea for six weeks recovering from a foot wound. Gerald Bethel aboard the U.S. Destroyer - the USS Bache (DD-470) arrives off the coast of Okinawa to perform "screening" and "Pickett Duty". Howard Fay, aboard the LST #221 is involved in the assault and occupation of Okinawa as well. Ralph Hawkins, aboard the USS Stack also arrives Okinawa on assault day and provides anti-sub and anti-aircraft patrolling, are in the process are attacked by Japanese aircraft. Hoyt Graham's aircraft departs the Pacific Theater bound for the United States. Robert Templin returns to Ohio following 18 months of service aboard a submarine chaser based on Trinadad Island. William Bochard is released from a hospital in the Philippiines after an extended illness and a month of hospitalization. Willis Cleary departs Grenzhausen, Germany by truck and arrives Waldeck, Germany after a 140 mile drive. K Company men stay in the Westalennor Hotel.

April 1, 1946: Howard Betts is discharged from the U.S. Army at Camp Atterbury, IN.